Tsukuba Circuit - 2000 Full Corner Analysis - Formula Vee (iRacing)

February 10th, 2024

Tsukuba Circuit - 2000 Full Corner Analysis - Formula Vee (iRacing)

The speed chart analysis reveals that driverB is entering the corner at a lower speed than driverA, which affects their overall lap time. DriverB decelerates too early, reaching their minimum speed before driverA, and this leads to a slower exit speed from the corner. The less steep gradient of driverB's speed chart after the minimum speed point indicates a slower throttle application, resulting in less acceleration out of the corner. To improve performance, driverB should focus on carrying more entry speed into the corner and delay deceleration to match or surpass driverA's minimum speed point. Additionally, working on a quicker and more aggressive throttle application will aid in achieving better exit speeds and potentially improve lap times.

Analyzing the speed chart, it's evident that driverB is entering the corner with a lower speed compared to driverA. This is indicated by the initial left part of the chart where driverB's speed graph starts below that of driverA. This suggests that driverB has carried less speed from the previous corner into this one, which can be a contributing factor to overall slower lap times. As we progress through the corner, we notice that driverB reaches their minimum speed earlier than driverA, which aligns with reaching a slower corner exit speed. This premature reduction in speed suggests a suboptimal approach to managing momentum through the corner. Additionally, the gradient of driverB's speed chart post-minimum speed is less steep compared to driverA's, indicating delayed throttle application and consequently less acceleration out of the corner. To improve lap times, driverB should focus on carrying more entry speed and delaying deceleration to match or exceed the minimum speed point of driverA, as well as working on a more aggressive throttle application for better exit speeds.
