Spa-Francorchamps Corner Analysis - McLaren 720S GT3 Evo 2023 (ACC)

February 9th, 2024

Spa-Francorchamps Corner Analysis - McLaren 720S GT3 Evo 2023 (ACC)

The speed chart analysis reveals that driverB is losing time at the beginning of the corner due to a slower exit from the previous turn and early braking into the current one. This results in a lower initial speed and an earlier reach of minimum speed compared to driverA, extending the duration at lower speeds. DriverB's acceleration phase starts later and is less aggressive, as shown by a gentler slope on the speed chart when exiting the corner. To enhance lap times, driverB should carry more speed from the preceding corner, brake later into this one, aim for a later minimum speed point, and accelerate out of the corner more strongly. On the other hand, driverA starts braking earlier and more gradually than driverB, leading to a longer deceleration phase and an early reach of minimum speed in the corner. DriverA also reaches peak brake pressure sooner and begins to taper off before driverB does. In contrast, driverB applies brakes later with higher intensity for a longer period before reducing it, suggesting a later apex and potentially faster corner exit. For improved performance, driverA should brake later with greater intensity to maintain higher speeds into the corner and achieve a later minimum speed point for better acceleration out of it.

Analyzing the speed chart provided, it's evident that driverB is losing time at the very beginning of the corner compared to driverA. The chart shows that driverB's speed is already lower at the start, indicating a slower exit from the previous corner. This initial speed deficit carries through to the entry of the current corner, where driverB continues to lose time due to early braking. The data shows a sharper decline in speed for driverB before reaching the apex, suggesting a conservative approach to corner entry. Furthermore, driverB reaches their minimum speed earlier than driverA, which can be seen by the lower point on their speed curve occurring sooner. This early deceleration leads to a longer duration at lower speeds compared to driverA, who maintains higher speeds for longer before hitting their minimum. As a result, driverB's acceleration phase starts later and is less aggressive, as indicated by a gentler slope on the speed chart when exiting the corner. To improve lap times, driverB should focus on carrying more speed from the previous corner and braking later into this one, allowing for a later minimum speed and stronger acceleration out of the corner.


In the provided braking analysis chart, driverA exhibits an earlier and more gradual increase in brake application compared to driverB. This indicates that driverA is initiating the braking phase sooner, which correlates with the head coach's note that driverA braked too early. The consequence of this early braking is a longer duration spent decelerating, which can lead to a loss of time compared to driverB who applies the brakes later and more aggressively. Furthermore, driverA reaches their peak brake pressure earlier and begins to taper off sooner than driverB. This supports the observation that driverA reaches their minimum speed too early in the corner. In contrast, driverB maintains higher brake pressure for a longer period before reducing it, suggesting a later apex and potentially faster corner exit. To improve performance, driverA should aim to replicate this by braking later and with more intensity, thus carrying more speed into the corner and achieving a later minimum speed point.
