Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans - 24 Heures du Mans Corner Analysis - Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 (iRacing)

February 9th, 2024

Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans - 24 Heures du Mans Corner Analysis - Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 (iRacing)

The speed chart analysis reveals that driverB is slower than driverA, especially at the corner entry, indicating a less effective transition from the previous corner. The key area of focus for improvement is the corner exit. DriverB's minimum speed happens later than driverA's, pointing to a delay in throttle application and consequently a slower acceleration out of the turn. This delay results in a significant time loss for driverB. To enhance performance, driverB should adjust their approach by modifying their turn-in point. This change aims to enable an earlier application of power which will increase exit speed. By doing so, driverB can achieve a steeper acceleration gradient post-apex, similar to that of driverA, thereby minimizing time lost during this critical phase of cornering. In summary, the strategic adjustment at the turn-in point and earlier throttle application are crucial for improving corner exit speed and overall lap time for driverB.

Analyzing the speed chart, it's evident that driverB is entering the corner with a lower speed compared to driverA. This can be observed at the very start of the chart where driverB's speed is already trailing behind. This indicates that driverB has not carried as much speed from the exit of the previous corner, which sets them up at a disadvantage even before approaching the current turn. Focusing on the corner exit, driverB's minimum speed occurs noticeably later than that of driverA, suggesting a delayed throttle application. This delay is critical as it leads to a lower acceleration rate out of the corner for driverB. The gradient of their speed increase post-apex is less steep compared to driverA, confirming a loss of time during this phase. To optimize performance, driverB should focus on adjusting their turn-in point to facilitate an earlier application of power and improve their exit speed, thus reducing time lost in this crucial section of the corner.
